Miles and Milestones

In January of this year, I was hurt by someone who I thought was close to me. Like most people, the pain vanished soon enough and I recovered. Around that time, The Husband started taking me on long walks to distract me from my pain. It started out as a senseless, mechanical thing at first but grew into a habit that we both later came to enjoy and cherish a lot. I wrote in this post that "this simple act of walking with a person I love turned into the most spiritual act I have ever committed in my life". Looking back, I feel that the walks we take continue to be a very spiritual experience for me and for that, I'm grateful.

We're couch potatoes, The Husband and I. So on a lazy weekend, the act of getting out of bed in itself is sometimes a struggle. Add the struggle of getting dressed and leaving the house to that, and you have the perfect recipe for "Nuh-uh-not-gonna-happen". There have been days when we both agreed that "the walk" would do us good but "wouldn't it be easier to just snuggle in bed and watch Netflix?". Usually, it's The Husband who is lazier than me because he has way more distractions indoors in the form of games and technology to keep him from wanting to get out of the house. So he told me a few months ago that I could play "The Walk Card" once a week. Basically, if I felt that it was a good day for a walk, I could play this card and get him to get up from the couch or the bed and join me for a walk. No fuss, no complains, nothing. We simply respect the authority of The Walk Card because we perfectly understand what we're going to get out of it.

The best part of our walks apart from the unexpected and beautiful sights that we happen to come across, is the bonding that happens when you spend time just talking to a person you love without a single distraction. It's our "us" time and soon enough, we started walking everywhere. Whether it takes 30 or 40 or 60 minutes to get somewhere, we walk to all our destinations if we can help it. We make plans, brainstorm ideas, talk about the future we want to have, about the amazing aspects of our present, about the sucky aspects of it, about the changes we want to make, and the things we hope will never change. We dream, we laugh, we love.

So I thought I'll kick-start this week on a positive note by sharing some of my prized memories from our two hour long walk last Saturday.

A beautiful sunset we came across on our walk last Saturday 😊

A photo posted by Ankita Narayan ( on

The tree, the water and the setting sun 😊

A photo posted by Ankita Narayan ( on

Tiny feet, long leaps.

A photo posted by Ankita Narayan ( on

A tiny blob of happiness 😀

A photo posted by Ankita Narayan ( on

And finally, phone butt.

A photo posted by Ankita Narayan ( on

I hope with all my heart that you have an amazing week ahead :)