Let's Talk Numbers - Blirthday 2016

As a part of this new tradition of a week long Blirthday celebration we're starting this year, we want to give you guys a glimpse into some key numbers and figures that have come up during our first year of blogging. Obviously, I had to get help from my tech guy a.k.a The Husband to put this post together. And he may have gotten a little too excited. You'll see what I mean soon enough. So this is what our entire year looks like in numbers, graphs and charts (it was supposed to be just numbers but somebody went a little nuts):

  • 1 - The number of years we've been blogging.

  • 2 - The number of days to the release of the #secretproject. (YAY!)

  • 3 - The number of hours of sleep we got last night.

  • 4 - The number of times Ankita found stray nails lying around in various corners of the house this week.

  • 5 - The number of friends who distracted us on Saturday with a spicy wings challenge (Hi Anirudh, Kirti, Fred, Iano and Valentina!) but more on that later.

Now, for the best part.

  • 227 - Total number of published posts.

  • 27 - The number of unpublished posts. So many drafts that will perhaps never see the light of day.

  • 39 - Ankita's weight in kilogrammes (FOCUS, SHANE!)

  • 175 - The number of countries in which 22 Nelson Street has been read so far. Just look at that map!

We couldn't be more grateful to receive love from (literally) almost all corners of the globe. THANK YOU!

  • 177,607 - Total number of blog hits in the past year. Ankita struggled while trying to read that number out loud.

  • 2526 - Most number of blog hits in a day.

  • Gender split #girlpower

But dear boys, you're always welcome here and we love you!

  • Age split
  • 15,125 - Total number of Google+ followers.

  • 72,455 - Total number of people who follow the Husband Shenanigans collection on Google+

  • 4690 - Total number of Facebook Page likes.

  • 1014 - Total number of Instagram followers.

  • 149 - Ankita's height in centimetres. Look, tiny legs that never touch the ground!

Also, "Sit like a lady? What's that?". (SHANE GIRISH, I SWEAR TO GOD!)

  • 836 - Average number of words per post (because she makes up for those short legs with her loooong posts).

  • 292 - Number of sessions our most faithful reader had this year on the website. It's more than the number of sessions Ankita had on the website to even preview her posts before publishing. And she's published 225 posts. Dear favorite faithful reader, we love you!

  • 21,965 - Most unique active users in a 30 day period

  • Device split (the ratio of you guys who use desktop, mobile and tablets)

  • Acquisition split (how you seem to be arriving at our website)

You know what the best thing about this statistic is? It shows that most of you arrived at this website directly. Not through Facebook or any other social media notification, but directly. Our guess is that this happened because you got to know of us through word of mouth, because our amazing readers shared this blog with their friends and family. THANK YOU for doing that! We never imagined that the number of "direct arrivals" would surpass even our Google Plus referrals. Thank you, thank you, thank you for showering us with so much love!

And finally,

  • 8 - The number of times we said "Holy Shit" when we went through these numbers together.

We cannot begin to thank you guys enough for the love and support you have shown us. It's been a great year and we hope that you will always return to this tiny little blog by this tiny little person for your daily doses of stories, giggles and poop :)

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