One year of 22 Nelson Street

Speaking of birthdays, this coming Thursday, the 22nd of September will mark my blog baby's first birthday. And just like that, it's going to be a year since I started this blog to write short stories that I may have secretly hoped that no one would read. From then, it grew to a point where I share daily glimpses into my life with a bunch of people I've come to hold very close to my heart. THANK YOU for being there for me!

A new tradition that I'm hoping to start is that of the blog birthday - The Blirthday. So this Thursday is The Blirthday because a) I'm too lazy to come up with a better name and b) I never promised to be a good mom anyway. No, I take that back. I'm the best mom in the world because I'm going to celebrate my baby's birthday for an entire week. This week is going to be The Blirthday Week and I have some very special posts planned for you!

So on the first day of The Blirthday Week, I'm going to kick-start the celebration by finally asking you guys (who are my blog baby's virtual god-parents) one question. And that question is - WHO THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?

Seriously, who the hell are you guys? I know a bunch of you personally and some of you became my friends somewhere along this journey. But the numbers I'm looking at right now tell me that a lot of you are like me. And by that I mean that a lot of you do read the blog and occasionally press the like button somewhere on social media but mostly mind your own business and probably want to leave me to my devices as well because you think that's what you'd want if you were me. I'm sure that those of you who're even more like me may have even typed up a comment and decided against pressing the 'post' button at the last possible moment because you thought something along the lines of - "My affirmation/disagreement/opinion is not going to make a difference anyway". Dear brother/sister, I feel ya! But today, could you maybe (pretty please with a cherry on top) say hi? Don't worry. If you're already uncomfortable thinking about all the spam I could potentially send you, know that you are in no way obliged to give me your e-mail or even your name in order to fill up this fun questionnaire. All I want to do is get to know you. Preferably by putting faces to names and names to numbers but the amount of information you divulge to me is completely up to you because I want to get to know you purely on your own terms. And I promise, this will take less than three minutes of your time but it will make my day! No, it'll make my entire year!

So let's get to know you, shall we?


And for one last question. This collage was made by The Husband who claims that his favourite picture of them all is the one on the bottom left.

Which one is your favourite? Leave a comment below.

See you on Wednesday with a juicy feedback compilation! Until then, bubyeeeee!

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