Make a wish...NOW!

We arrived at our campsite on Friday after four hours of travelling and got straight to the business of pitching our tents. Once that was accomplished, I did what I mostly do immediately upon arrival at most destinations - check the bathroom. And the scene awaiting me was nothing like I'd expected. This bathroom even had music playing in the background for crying out loud! It has officially set the bar high for future campsite bathrooms and from what I've heard, not many future campsite bathrooms are going to able to beat this one.

We were blessed with really good weather throughout our trip and the spell of good weather hasn't been broken yet. Lady Campsalot often wonders out loud what the catch is. "Is the world coming to an end or something? Because there has to be a catch if Scotland is sunny for so many days in a row", she says. I can't help but wonder if that's true.

That evening, Lady and Sir Campsalot whipped out their mystical Bunsen Burner, the intricacies of which gave The Husband a nerdgasm. It turned out that we were going to have nearly-home-cooked hot meals on a camping trip. We (they) cooked chicken and made tea and heated up the Indian food that we had to get from a stop-over in a tiny town. And once we were done stuffing our faces, we all lay down in our tent with our heads poking out to stare at the night sky. The Husband thought this was an opportune moment to relate the story of the time when he was drunk out of his mind and witnessed a meteor shower with me at 5 a.m on a beach in Greece. Everyone responded with, "Yeah, we read about that."

"Wait, it's on the blog?", he asked.

And "OOOOOOOOOOOOH", we all said in unison. Because at that very moment, all of us witnessed another meteor shooting across the sky. Thankfully, all four of us saw it together. After reading a previous post that relates said story about a drunken Shane and a sober Ankita looking at "shooting stars" on a beach, my mother called me to ask if I made a wish. "What wish?", I asked. "When you see a shooting star, you make a wish. Next time, remember that okay?", she instructed. So this time when we all saw the "shooting star", I made each and every one make a wish because otherwise, my mother would know.

I believe that was one of the highlights of this trip. And along with all the lame jokes and conversations that I'll cherish, here are a few pictures taken by the very talented husband :)

Ms Tiny Feet #nofilter #southwestscotland #tinyfeet

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Just Scottish things #nofilter #southwestscotland

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Ms Tiny Feet leading the way. #nofilter #southwestscotland #tinyfeet

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Breakfast with a view #nofilter #peatedwater #glentrool #southwestscotland

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Nature is cheaper than therapy #nofilter #southwestscotland #natureisart

A photo posted by shaneGirish (@shanegirish) on

Collecting freshwater from a waterfall. One LifeStraw, 4 people. #nofilter #gallowayforestpark #southwestscotland

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Yoda and Dalek walking hand in hand #nofilter #gallowayforestpark #southwestscotland

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Off the beaten path #nofilter #glentrool #southwestscotland

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