
Usually, on Mondays, I like to share something funny, cheerful and positive with you guys. It's the first day of the week and I feel it's best to start off on the right note. However today, I'm not feeling it. Instead of sweet thoughts, I'm left with a sour taste in my mouth. I feel like I want to puke, and I've been feeling that way all weekend.

Friday the 20th was a very important day, and I'm sure many of you will agree with me in saying that soon, it will be a historic day. If I was raised to get away with making fun of people's appearances, this blog post would be accompanied by some colourful adjectives. Literally colourful like orange, yellow, and white. And some others to do with tiny hands, old people gunk, and golden manes. I might have even made jokes about the number of times the spelling of the word "honoured" was butchered in tweets (dishonourable fools seldom know how to spell) and some about childish tantrums thrown around in the face of criticism ("You're overrated!", "They're bad!, "She's cunning!"). However, I wasn't raised to get away with saying mean things like that so I'm going to desist.

Moreover, it's beginning to look like the world has enough mean people (or one person mean enough to embody all the meanness of the world), so the rest of us must strive to come together to promote the opposite. To promote love and kindness. Humour and happiness. Tolerance and respect. And despite all the lies and BS of the past few days, we have witnessed some truly incredible things (#womensmarch). We also got to smile at some hilarious memes.

So let's start this new week with a true understanding of where we stand, what we wish to uphold and how we intend to stay true to our own values. Let's start this week and in effect, this year by promising ourselves that come what may, our humanity and compassion will take precedence over all else. Here's to hope!

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