February 2017 - Week 2

It's a very special Thursday here. In fact, a very special week. And we've been busy making little plans and getting little things together in preparation for all the special confetti explosion that's going to take place at 22 Nelson Street. If you're following me on Instagram, you'll find out what I'm talking about by the end of the day. If not, drop in here tomorrow and I'll fill you up with juicy details. But for now, let's just say I'M EXCIIIIIITED!

I have to leave the house in an hour so this one's going to be short. In this week's playlist, I have two favourites. As usual, they're the first and the last songs. The first song, Dark by Siv Jakobsen is an amazing song but what I've included here is the Martin Hviid Remix version of it. I kind of like it better (the humming haunts me in a strange way) so let me know which one you prefer. The last song on the playlist is I'll be Good by James Young. I wonder why I never included this song in a playlist before considering how Shane and I tend to play in on repeat while cooking on most days. I'm sure many of you must be familiar with it :)

In some of the songs included in this playlist, the videos are pretty cool. Especially Seafret by Oceans and I Found by Amber Run. Let me know what you think of them!

I hope you enjoy this playlist!

Also, I can't wait to share the exciting news with you. YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!


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