Birthday Weekend

I turn 25 this weekend woohooooooo!


And while all my birthdays are important to me, this one is extra special because it's my 25th. About time I got one of those midlife crisis thingies that people keep talking about, eh? No thaaaanks!

For this birthday, I wanted to be in control. Okay, I wanted to be in more control than usual. So I told The Husband that he wouldn't have to worry about a thing as I'd do most of the planning myself. Since the past couple of months have been crazy busy here, I thought that it would be fun for us to get away on my birthday which conveniently fell on a weekend this year. And trust me, we need some exclusive Shankita time away from The Bromance and Meenal. Especially from Meenal. If that kid lived in Edinburgh, I wouldn't be too surprised to find her standing in a corner of our bedroom in the middle of the night, just watching us sleep.

Since we're not going to be home on my birthday, The Husband got me a bunch of cupcakes last evening to have an informal pre-birthday celebration at home.

And when I lit the candles, I scared his phone into skipping a beat:

Things have been getting quite chilly here in Edinburgh with shorter days and gloomier skies all around. It's cold enough to turn up the heating at home and still, I find myself wearing a hoodie indoors most of the time. So right before proper winter slaps us in the booty, we decided to go a little south this weekend. Actually, we're going all the way to the southern coast of England. We're going to the sunny seaside resort town of Brighton which also happens to be the gay capital of the UK :D It's slightly warmer than Edinburgh down there and we're hoping for clear skies and reasonable no-heavy-coat weather. BRIGHTON, BABY!

I've always wanted to visit this town and immediately after we booked our tickets and accommodation, I received an e-mail from a reader who suggested that we visit Brighton if we ever get the chance. How crazy is that?

We board in two hours and I promise you will hear from me soon! Meanwhile, don't forget to follow me on Instagram ;)


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